

Parmaglass Design was founded in 2000 thanks to the intuition of a technician of the sector, who, thanks to more than 40 years of experience, singled out the possibility of rationalizing and speeding up, with the help of CAD support, production planning, transferring to applicative procedures the knowledge and gained during his work.

The company has created a software package that facilitates design, and foresees production defects, and is ideal for those companies where working as per client orders still represents a production standard.

Combined with consultancy and assistance, Parmaglass Design software can ensure the realization of products that are diversified both in dimensions as well as in manufacturing specifics, while implementing and updating production Each and every company working in the hollow glass sector has different specifics to follow in their production methods.

It is also true that in the same production sector of glass, the level of “information” and internal and external communication are still relatively low and very problematic, in particular in the execution phases, which are the same for all companies of the sector.

But it is precisely the solving of these problems that the software from Parmaglass Design concentrates on.